Wednesday, November 08, 2006

A Dark Scary Day in the USA

I fear what the future will hold with the Democrats holding the majority of the house - I am nervous not just because the Demos are the majority - but because are party lines are no longer as black and white as they once were, liberal ideas are bleeding all over the democratic party... I have to agree with Mr. Michael Savage that, "Liberalism is a Mental Disorder!" - they just spread a lot of nonsense... sort of like they can't really see the WHOLE picture... drives me nuts... I just hope the Senate stays balanced and ...LORD help us should Hilary get her wish in the 2008 election... UGH! I am afraid there are so many women in this country that they may storm the polls in '08 just to have a woman as President.... oh what a BAD thing that would be... I just hope the female population is smarter than that....

I will be voting for Duncan Hunter in 2008 and I just hope he can really get himself out there before then so people know who he is and what he is about...

Pray for our troops...

God Bless the USA!

1 comment:

Angoraknitter said...

Yes, last night was gut wrenching...deep sigh. I'm just hoing Mertha...or whatever that fat old fart, veteran dem, doesn't get his hands on the commission for the Armed Forces Commitee. Aurgh I can't imagine Pelosi getting anything useful done...Hillary...Run for your lives, she never says anything definative, it's all fluff..."I'm telling you all what you want to hear, and nothing I say will take a stand on anything." Blek! Thank goodness we still have George...but Rummy cut and run. Perhaps that's not a bad thing.